Creating a sustainable U

U Parkhotel received the golden Greenkey certificate in February 2019. With this we take our responsibility towards nature and the environment, without you having to compromise on comfort.


CSR statement U Parkhotel

 What is Greenkey: Green Key is the international quality mark for sustainable companies in the recreation and leisure industry and business market. As a hotel with a Green Key quality mark, we do everything we can to save the environment. In doing so, we go a step further than is legally required:

Creating a Sustainable U

  • A Green Team has been appointed for the U Parkhotel. They are involved in the development of new sustainability actions.
  • We are economical with energy. Because the hotel is connected to the district heating, there is energy-efficient lighting and by means of a heat wheel we save energy. The latter heat wheel absorbs warm air and circulates it back through the building. The hotel rooms are equipped with energy savers, so there is only energy consumption when a guest is actually present in the room.
  • In the hotel rooms, water is saved by using a special type of shower head that significantly reduces water consumption per shower.
  • We do not wash more than necessary and use environmentally friendly cleaning products.
  • Our restaurant's menu features dishes that are mainly prepared with fresh, regional and organic products.
  • With “Jeans on the Wall” the U Parkhotel has a unique wall covering on the walls. “Jeans on the Wall” is a wall covering made from recycled jeans. Besides the fact that it looks nice, radiates a lot of warmth and is sound-absorbing, it is a beautiful example of circularity.

After an overnight stay at the U Parkhotel, you can not only start a new working day feeling fit, you will also have contributed to the conservation of nature and the environment without even realising it.


How does Green Key work?

The Foundation for Environmental Education manages the Green Key Programme in Denmark. In the Netherlands, the KMVK Foundation (Keurmerk Milieu, Veiligheid en Kwaliteit) is responsible for implementation.

As a certified company, we meet the standards set by this foundation. They maintain the standards in collaboration with independent inspectors, who regularly come by to perform an inspection. In addition, they maintain documentation in the online Green Key system, which every participant can view. The certificate has three levels: bronze, silver and gold. The more environmental measures a recreation company has implemented, the higher the 'environmentally friendly' level. Would you like more information about Green Key? Then take a look at

The Green Key standard is linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030.